We've already seen a few Japanese department stores employing virtual makeover machines, and it looks like Philips is now hoping to bring a similar service to an even wider audience. Dubbed "Crystalize," the company's latest off the beaten path device makes use of some cameras normally used for medical purposes to take extreme close-up shots of various parts of your face, which are then analyzed for four different conditions (skin type, redness, sun damage, and smoothness). That will apparently cost you $90, which will also get you recommendations for various products to improve your skin (for which Philips apparently doesn't receive any remuneration), and access to a social networking site for continuing service. For starters, however, the service will only be available at one store in Santa Monica, but Philips says it plans to make it available "across the world" in 2010. Video after the break.
View Source : PhilipsCrystalize